Excellent heavy duty oven, grill, hotplate cleaner for commercial kitchens. Removes the toughest of baked on or burnt carbon, fat and grease build-ups.
NOTE: before using, read directions on the label and dilute the product according to the application type (cleaning job) as per the product label. Oven & Grill heavy duty cleaner is a concentrate, dilution is required for the product to perform correctly. Caution: wear suitable gloves and PPE as required.
How to use Oven & Grill Cleaner
Ovens — Pre-heat to 60 – 80 C dilute 1 to 3, apply with sponge, allow the product to penetrate for a few minutes, agitate (brush), wipe off with dry cloth to remove grime and residue. Rinse thoroughly with hot water to remove all traces of the oven and grill cleaner.
Grills, Hotplates
First empty the grease catch pan, keep the vent fan running to remove any fumes, pre-heat to 60 – 80 C, pour diluted product, 1 to 3, unto grill and spread with a stainless steel scour while agitating. If the solution is drying, slowly pour on some extra solution. Scrape off residue and liquid into the grease catch pan, rinse twice with clean water, apply two capfuls of vinegar to the hotplate surface and spread evenly across the hotplate. Finish off with a thin coat of cooking oil when the hotplate is dry to protect the surface.
Always rinse all surfaces that have come in contact with Oven & Grill cleaner with potable (clean) water after cleaning.
This product is classified as: Xn, Harmful. N, Dangerous to the environment. C, Corrosive.
Hazardous according to the criteria of Safe Work Australia (SWA).
Dangerous according to the Australian Dangerous Goods (ADG) Code.
Read the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) information sheet before use.
Poisons Information Centre: 13 11 26 from anywhere in Australia.
GENERAL HANDLING PRECAUTIONS --- WARNING: This substance is alkaline (high PH). Wear rubber gloves and goggles if handling, spraying this product, or using Oven & Grill cleaner for prolonged periods.
CAUTION: Before use, don impervious chemical resistant gloves and safety glasses with side-shields.
Click Oven & Grill to download the SDS